quinta-feira, janeiro 06, 2005


"(...)But I, being poor, have only my dreams.
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."
'He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven', William Butler Yeats

Está frio na varanda do 3º andar. É a 3ª vez que o Coroneu habita um 3º andar. Há qualquer coisa com o 3º andar. À noite a rua do Coroneu fica deserta, habitada de carros adormecidos e de janelas às escuras. O Coroneu estende o braço, empertiga o indicador e a rua transforma-se num rio de lama incandescente. Já não está tanto frio. De seguida o Coroneu estende o braço, empertiga o indicador e os carros são águias, as portas abertas asas e o capôt um bico enorme. Olha para cima. Vêem-se estrelas, algumas. O Coroneu empertiga o dedo e caiem lâmpadas laranjas que se fundem ao cair na lava que é a rua. Já não está frio. O Coroneu fica ali na varanda a olhar a lava que escorre em baixo, a olhar carros a subir para o céu e a olhar chuvas de lâmpadas luminosas com insectos lá dentro. Maravilhoso. Por isso o Coroneu tem sempre cuidado ao passar numa rua. Não quer pisar os sonhos de quem não dorme.

4 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Confucianism is a religion It is debatable whether Confucianism should be called a religion. While it prescribes a great deal of ritual, little of it could be construed as worship or meditation in a formal sense. Confucius occasionally made statements about the existence of other-worldly beings that sound distinctly agnostic and humanistic to Western ears. Thus, Confucianism is often considered an ethical tradition and not a religion. However the United Nations recognizes Confucianism as a religion.

Anónimo disse...

What does the expression insomnia causes really mean? In considering that no one can ever hold time back or force it on or even attempt to make it stand still, the expression is really a misnomer. No one can manage time; it is impossible to manage something over which you have no control whatever. You just cannot win.

Can you imagine what utter confusion there would be if we all had the ability to organize time to suit ourselves? Think of this, there would be no use for clocks and time would never be synchronized. Worst of all, who would determine whether it is early or late? Thank Goodness, time is common to all and must be used as it passes. We can control our clocks and set them to whatever hour we wish, but that does not have any effect whatever on dear 'father time.'

Anónimo disse...

You may feel that you can do little to no control over your life but there are things that you can do to make a difference. Self Improvement And Positive Thinking, what is leadership aims to help you with life's problems and teach you how to solve or deal with the problems you cant change. Use the links and exercises to help you begin to understand and deal with life in practical ways. You should find this site very helpful . http://startlivingyourdreamstoday.com/

Anónimo disse...

Agnesa Gongea Boiagi was also known for her books about Christian spirituality and prayer, some that were written together with her close friend Fr?re Roger.

While many Catholics and others considered Teresa the embodiment of a "living saint," critics have raised questions about her public statements, working practices, political connections, and the use of funds donated to her charity.